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Stacey Wyland

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

Social and Behavioral Sciences  |   Turock School of Arts and Sciences

Harris Hall 303

Education – Degrees & Certifications

  • Shippensburg University B.S. in Criminal Justice
  • M.S. in Administration of Justice

Professional Contributions


Combining Academic and Real World Experiences for Criminal Justice Students

When it comes to educating her students, Keystone College Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Stacey Wyland has a definite game plan she has followed every semester. Her goal is always to combine classroom knowledge with real-world experience.

  • IDS 101
  • Intro to Policing
  • Criminology
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Field Experience
  • Field Experience Preparation
  • Restorative Justice
  • Senior Seminar
  • Dragons and Dinosaurs: The Plight of Patrol Women, Donna Hale and Stacey Wyland Gender is an age-old problem in policing. The authors explore the barriers to gender equality and provide suggestions for improvement.
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